Friday, November 14, 2008

I know it's been forever!

The desktop computer took a nose dive last wednesday and I've spent the last week trying to fix it. I think I've about got it working again - sort of. I hate computers when they don't work, mainly because I have no clue how to fix them. If it weren't for the help of Kelly and Kevin I probably would have chunked it in the trash. Thanks guys! It's been a pain in my you-know-what but it's functioning again.
I'm hanging out today with my DF Angel!! They came down just for the day. Got in about 2am and are leaving after dinner. Way too short of a visit but I'm thankful for every minute. And I get to see the baby!! He's only two weeks old and SO SWEET!
Gotta go get some work done, but have a great weekend!!


Shaunery said...

take pictures! Give Angel hugs!

Anonymous said...

Awww...I would have run out there today during lunch or something! Why did they come down?

**Angel** said...

It was short but great!!

mama duke said...

sounds great. i can't wait to see the hallock clan over thanksgiving!!!