Thursday, September 10, 2009

My busy day

Kids were up at 6:30am, off to school by 7:15. Pick them up from school at 2:45, GymKats from 3:30-5:30pm, baseball practice for Tanner from 6-7:30 and bedtime is supposed to be 8ish. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to squeeze dinner, homework, and showers in there somewhere. Hmmmm.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Well, it's official

if you need me at any time over the next three months I'll be at the baseball field. Tanner practices Mondays and Thursdays, Grace practices Tuesdays and Fridays, and games are scheduled on Saturdays and Mondays. Whew! I'm really not complaining, really. It makes for a very busy life, but I feel like I've been waiting for this my whole life. To be the parent of kids in school. I always had envisoned myself as room mom, president of the PTA, proud booster club parent, working in the conscession stand, and what ever else I could get involved in. It hasn't actually worked out for me that well yet. Honestly, I haven't even gotten to be a room mom yet. Always having little one's at home puts a kink in that, but my day is coming. And I'm looking forward to it.

Also, we've established that even though he reacts very severly to ant bites Morgan is apparently not allergic to bees. At Tanner's baseball practice Tuesday night Morgan was playing in the bleachers and there was a large hornet/wasp (i don't know the difference) nest under the seat and Morgan got stung 4-5 times on the side of his face and around his ear. Poor buddy. It was crazy but he seems to be fine. Nothing that I would consider more than a normal welt from the stings.

And, last but not least, I am offically a new Stampin' Up! demonstrator! Woo Hoo! So if you need any Stampin' Up! stuff or are interested in workshops just let me know!