Wednesday, June 28, 2006

One More.

OK, though it strikes me kinda weird when you read it - I think it's pretty stinkin' accurate. Tell me what you think - is it me?

You Are a Bright Star Soul

Like a shining star, you have no trouble being the center of attention
In fact, you often feel a bit hurt when all eyes aren't on you
You need to be number one in everything, no matter how trivial
And it's this ego that both hurts your confidence and helps you acheive

You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energy
You posess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to define
A natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous in some circles.
Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally!

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul and Prophet Soul

This is me...How about you?

Got this from my girl Angel...It made me laugh.

You Are Big Black Boots!

You can be best described as: attitude
You've got lots of it - and you love to give it
A guy has to be pretty gusty to hit on you
But if he's your type, you'll warm up... a little

Friday, June 23, 2006

A Jedi.

It's hard! So many things to do - to keep from spinning takes complete concentration.

We found a PERFECT peice of property we want to buy to build our next house on (yes, we bought some property last November, but with CJ's new job it's too much of a commute so....) we need to scrape up the down payment money.
We need to get the house ready to sell.
We're trying to get the last credit card paid off (never ending battle).
We want to start putting money in a savings account.
We want to invest some money for the kids future.

To put the list in order of importance - to stay focused - to complete tasks - makes me feel like Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi. You know where he has to stay focused, block out the battle that's going on around him and make his shot at a very small target. That's what I feel like.

By the way, CJ's mom and dad are coming in today to visit and will be here for 10 days - we're all very excited!!!! There's sure to be some pics coming...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Quit Waiting.

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left behind by those who hustle.

It's time to quit waiting for...
Someone to change
The right person to come along
The kids to leave home
A more favorable horoscope
The new administration to take over
An absence of risk
Someone to discover you
A clear set of instructions
More self-confidence
The pain to go away

Get on with it already!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Cowboy wannabe.

All of us live in ranch country,
where everyone learns to ride.
Where every boy is a cowboy...
every girl a cowboy's bride.

A friend of Beth's had box seats to the Parker County Sheriff's Possee Rodeo and so we got to go. CJ, me, Tanner, Grace, Brian and Lily.

The kids had a GREAT time. Grace loved seeing all the animals. Not only did she want to pet one goat she wanted to pet them all! It was hard to tear her away.

At one point they invited all children ages 6 and under into the arena for a goat scramble. For those of you who have never experienced this before I will tell you that those were a couple of terrified goats! They let the kids chase the goats around the arena trying to get a tag off the goat. The kids who recover the tags win a prize. Tanner in his usual fashion wanted to go, then cried because he was scared and wouldn't let CJ put him down, then cried some more when the event was over because he didn't get to chase the goat. SO typical! Lily on the other hand - not scared and had a blast running around after the goat!

There was a really neat father/son team who made several appearances during the night. It was so cool. The little boy was maybe 6 years old. He was so at ease on his horse. You could tell he had probably been riding since he was old enough to sit up and hang on. He rode around the arena, waved at the fans, and even tried ropin' a coupld of calves. It was awesome. CJ sat in his chair, shook his head, and said, "Lucky sucker." The look, the words, the sigh said it all. How he wishes that was him and Tanner on those horses, livin' that life. In his mind there couldn't be anything more perfect. For now, we're just cowboy wannabes.

Monday, June 19, 2006

To have your cake and eat it too.

We want it all! Is that possible? Most of you know me well enough to know that I don't require a lot of things, but when I want something I want the best. You may be surprised to know that CJ (though he swears he should have been born 100 years ago during the time of chuck wagons and campfires) has always wanted more out of life. To settle for "the norm", being the "average" American, has always made him crazy. Having a stressful job, working late, coming home with such a headache that he can't enjoy being with the kids isn't the way he wants to live his life. Don't get me wrong - he loves building houses, that's why he went back to it - but he just keeps thinking there's got to be a better way.
He wants to fish, I want to scrapbook. Not at night after the kids go to bed, or on the weekends when we could be spending quality time together as a family but at Noon on Wednesday- or whenever we want for that matter!
We want a medium sized FABULOUS house, to always have vehicles that are reliable and a 19 foot Skeeter with a 200hp motor, to not only be able to spend time with the kids, but to be actively involved in their activities, to be able to provide a college education for our children if that's the path they choose, to be able to retire earlier rather than later and not have to worry about the finances in our later years, to pay the bills and have money left in the bank - LOTS, not just a little, to give back to the community, to be happy doing what we love and loving what we do, to NOT have to be stressed out and work crazy hours for the next 20 years and miss out on all the little, yet oh so important things, in life in order to make this happen. Don't get me wrong we're not afraid to work, and work hard - but I believe that work should be rewarding, fullfilling to the spirit, and inspiring to the mind. Not just something you have to do every day.
Is it possible to have your cake and eat it too?
I'm sure some of you are sitting there thinking "yeah, that's what all of us dream but it'll never come true."
Straight out of the mouth of Jack Canfield "I believe each of us is born with a life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging, and honoring this purpose is perhaps the most important action successful people take. To be "on purpose" means you're doing what you love to do, doing what you're good at and accomplishing what's important to you."
Success doesn't happen over night, major changes don't happen over night, but changes they are a comin'! I challenge YOU to find your purpose in life and live the life you've always wanted. "You see, without a purpose in life, it's easy to get sidetracked on your life's journey. It's easy to wander and drift, accomplishing little."

Thursday, June 15, 2006


There is nothing like fresh fruits and vegtables from your own garden. Fresh produce from the grocery store still not quite the same and if you've never experienced it you're missing out on a wonderful part of life. I just picked the second RED tomato out of our garden. I've already canned 11 pints of green beans and in a few short weeks I'll be doing tomato juice. Yes, I said "canning". In todays modern age it's an art that very few people practice, but I'm proud to have learned from my mom, who learned from her mom. It almost takes you back to a simpler time and a simpler life. And if we're really going to have two MORE kids it's the easiest way I know to save money! It cost pennies to grow a garden, and hundreds of dollars to buy what you would harvest at the grocery store. So, here's to homegrown!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Lots of exciting things!

Water Fun. Last wednesday our MOMS Club group went to Central Aquatic Center in Hurst and we had SO MUCH FUN! Super cheap - only $4 per person to get in and worth every dime. Tanner was off and running as soon as I had him lubed up with sunscreen and his life vest on- Grace, surprisingly, a little more timid. They had slides, a diving pool, a pool that was zero entry to 4 ft., and a kiddy pool that was zero entry to about 1 ft. deep and had a playground in the middle. The playground in the kiddy pool was awesome, things you could crawl through, steps up to 3 platforms with slides and lots of places where the kids could move a handle or turn a wheel and either activate or shut off huge water fountains. About 30 minutes before we left Grace finally decided it was cool and would run around and get wet and play. I'm thinking to myself "sure! We've been here for almost 4 hours and it's been torture getting you in the water - now you like it and want to play! It's time to go, sucks to be you." All in all it was a SUPER FUN day!

Drive in Mania! When was the last time you were at a drive-in theatre? Well we went friday night and it was FABULOUS! It was the Opening night for "CARS", there were six families all together in our group, we caravaned down there, parked next to each other and let the kids get crazy. My good friend Stephanie surprised me with cupcakes and a super cute card for my birthday (yah for me!). Turns out - we had the party truck! Between "I want in" and "I want out", "I gotta go potty", "I need some more popcorn", and "where's my drink" I really didn't see much of the movie but it was still a rockin' good time!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Saturday was my birthday and I spent all day Scrappin' with my girlfriends! Aaaaahhhh. Perfect! I picked up Katina at 7:00 in the morning and we took some classes, scoped out all the latest and greatest in the scrapbooking world, and did some shopping (of course!). Angel joined us later for dinner and the crop. Have to say - we didn't get much actual scrappin' done but we had a darn good time! (trying to upload pics of us but it's not working - crap)

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I told you so.

I'm still learning! I was informed by one of my girlfriends yesterday that I had my settings so that only other "Bloggers" could leave comments - sorry. I think I have it fixed now though. Anyone should be able to leave a comment. On with the good stuff...

GRACE IS TWO!! I know, it's hard for me to believe as well. Anyway we had some friends over for her birthday/Memorial Day and it was really nice. All in all 9 adults and 9 kids - fun, fun. So, honestly, I was so excited about the cake that if I could have I would have taken it around the world to show everyone!

The inspiration...

The Cake...

And, of course The Princess...

In CJ's own words, "she's SUCH a girl!" And that she is. She loves her jewelry, purses and shoes, and takes every moment to tell you how pretty she is. By the way, I did not teach her that! It was born in her - gotta be in the genes! Last but not least Grace had to have a 4-wheeler of her own. Hers only goes half (maybe) as fast as Tanner's but the chase is on.....

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

it's official.

TANNER'S PLAYING FOOTBALL! Yep, I was driving through Azle last week and saw a sign that read "AYA football registration - ages 4 - 11" - woohoo! We're in! (Don't worry - for 4 & 5 year olds it's only flag) Practices, games, fundraisers, working in the concession stand, getting to know other parents - I'm SO excited I can hardly stand it. It's also very hard for me to believe that I've reached this point in my life. We're filling out all the forms and CJ says "why didn't you turn this one in?" (It was a form asking for people with special talents, skills or services.) "uh, because I didn't know what to put." His reply "CJ - works hard, Staci - good on the phone and in the kitchen. I guess we don't have to jump in head first this year, but it won't be long before we're on the board." And so it begins.....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

here goes.

I've been working on this awhile, I'm nervous and excited so here it is - my first post! I'm still learning the ropes with this so check back often - probably it will look different everytime you check it. I'm really excited to be doing this. My goal is to let anyone who wants to be in on the little things in our lives in. We don't always get to chat when fun things happen because of time differences, J-O-B-S, and everything else so this way I can post it here and you can check it at 6am or midnight or anytime in between. Especially for our family - the blog won't replace the phone but it will let you "experience" the little day to day things with us. I may not be able to post every day but it is my goal to share our lives with you several time each week.

I love you all and I'm so excited about this new venture - enjoy!