Sunday, August 30, 2009

Check out this fish tale...

CJ and Tanner got to go fishing for about 3-4 hours on saturday morning. They had a great time and caught like 10 or 12 fish including this beauty which CJ says is about a 4 1/2 pounder. Woo Hoo Tanner!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's only day 3...

and already I'm not allowed to go in with the kids. Tanner says "Mom, can you just drop us off in the front." To which I responded that I still wanted to go in with Grace until she's comfortable with where to meet her teacher and stuff. After a few seconds I hear a tiny little girl voice say, "Mommy, I'm comfortable. I know where to go." Well, OK then.

Here are a few pictures from this past week. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What to do?

Short of duck taping Morgan to the toilet every morning until he goes, I don't know what else to do to make that child poo in the toilet! I have tried everything and I am at a total loss. Aaargh!

By the way, this clearly must be payback for me opening my mouth because just recently I told someone that I never had a problem getting my kids to poo in the toilet and it was hard for me to understand why some people have that issue. This is what I get right?

Thursday, August 06, 2009

A whole month really?

I guess it has been that long since I blogged. I'll admit that the immediate gratification from facebook kind of makes me neglect my blog a little bit, but in a couple years when I'm scrapbooking this part of my life I'm going to think "what was going on?" I can't remember and there's nothing written. We have been so busy and yet there's not anything of consequence really. The business is pretty busy right now so that's good. We're finally getting our vehicles to quit breaking down - thank the Lord. My truck is in the shop right now but hopefully this will be the last repair for a while. We just bought a whole bunch of new mowers so hopefully that will save us time and money in the long run - right now I'm just hoping we can afford to make the payments on them! Tanner and Grace are getting excited about going back to school. I'm hoping to finalize our back to school shopping next week. I've decided to try and keep Tanner in GymKats during the fall baseball season. I know - I'm crazy. But he loves it and he's doing so good. All three of the kids are in gymnastics now and I got them enrolled in a class right after school so it won't interfere with baseball practice (I hope) and we won't be out until 8 at night on a school night. I'll cross my fingers it works out. And, we should be putting our house on the market in 6-8 weeks. Whew! I hope it sells quickly. We REALLY need for it to. That's all for now.