Tuesday, July 08, 2008

WHEW! What a weekend!

I really tried to get these posted yesterday but I just couldn't make it happen. We were so busy this weekend but it was all F-U-N! Friday night we went to Becky & Otis' for the second annual Blann Bash and was it! We had a wonderful time!! (as you will see by the slideshow). It was almost 12:30 by the time we got home. Woke the kids up at 7:30 to eat breakfast, shower and go to the square for the parade. Morgan did really well considering we were there for two and a half hours before the parade was over and we forgot to take snacks. What were we thinking? After the parade we went over to the carnival rides only to find out they didn't start running until 3pm. There were a couple of bounce houses going and a couple of games so we did that and went home for a nap. Then we decided on Applebee's for dinner, taped the race and watched it sunday morning. As if that wasn't enough Tanner had a birthday party to go to on Sunday afternoon. We had a really good time. I didn't want to go but I'm glad I did. Enjoy the pics!


Shaunery said...

So, has anyone counted how many pictures we took combined?? I know Jennifer & Nonya both topped 100, even 200...

We had such a GREAT time. It was so much fun seeing everyones family. Are we becoming a village?

Anonymous said...

How fun! Looks like everyone had a great time. I want a village....

Anonymous said...

That looks super fun! Glad you hada great 4th :O)

mama duke said...

i'm jealous of your ridiculously happy and wonderful family and all your great times. i want that too!!! looks like ya'll had so much fun!!

Jeanne Lobsinger said...

What great memories! The pictures are awesome. I know I took at least 120 pictures.