Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 2 of 28

Today's Photo Challenge: The mailbox

Nothing out of the ordinary about our mailbox but I do love the view.

Today's Task: Create a layout about you. I want you to make it specific to today...your agenda...your plans...what's on your schedule. This is not just a typical "about me" page but a page that addresses a specific question: what is your life like today?

I squeezed this into my agenda yesterday. The journaling reads:
In the shower at 5:45am
Chocolate Chip pancakes for breakfast
Take Tanner to school
Wash car and get new tires
Errands: Sam's Club and JoAnn's
Enjoy lunch at Olive Garden with girlfriends
Pick up Tanner from school
Clean up around the house
Dinner at CiCi's with baseball team
Enjoy my Anniversary evening with CJ! 10 years and lovin' every minute!
Thursday May 22, 2008


Anonymous said...

Great LO! I love that picture of you!!

Melibelle said...

That is a FANTASTIC view! :) Funny the tings you love living in a house! I sit on our couch and LOVE the view from our back door as the sun is setting! Daniel wants to put a shed in that corner of the yard and I'm all NO.. .you'll ruin my view! :)

loumaroo said...

Love the layout! Great job and those kinds of layouts are my fave. The ones that are just about the ordinary day to day life.