Sunday, August 05, 2007

Why should we be any different?

"we'll be there wednesday or thursday"
"we'll be there thursday or friday"
"we'll definately be there on saturday"
"it's going to be monday or tuesday before we can get there"
can't get 'em here so let's find someone else, hey, can you come?
"we've got a job to do on saturday, but we'll come out on sunday"
Made arrangements to meet them so they could follow us to the property, I planned food for lunch.
No call, No show.
This is what CJ deals with every day at his job and it's what has happened to us this week on our house. I guess why should we be any different?
CJ LOVES to build houses, but there's two things that makes CJ HATE his job - people who don't show up when they say they're going to; and people that, when they do show up, do a s&!#ty job.
CJ would love to just do it all himself, but he can't. There are just some things that you've got to have help with. And even if he had a guy or two to help (which he does have Brian - THANK YOU, THANK YOU) it's just too big. He really needs an experienced crew.
In his own words this morning, "I'm learning one thing - I don't have any friends. All the people I help out, all the people who say, 'if you need anything just let me know' are all worthless."
He's not even asking for free labor or favors - he's paying for goodness sake! Screw everyone.

I'm quitting now because the more I type the madder I get.


Stephanie said...

if I knew anything about construction I would be there for you. I am truly sorry for the frustration. I can't help build, but I will be mad with you. :0)
Maybe CJ can take a couple of hours and Bubba can take him to the lake for a little distraction and recharging. Just a thought..

Shaunery said...

Ohhhhhh I'm angry with you and CJ. (clarification, sharing your anger, not angry at..) And he has friends...David is just a little far away to help. He's sooooo bored in DC, he'd jump at a chance to help ya'll.

Jeanne Lobsinger said...

Wow, but look what your husband can do all by himself. He needs to be down on the floor flying with Morgan. Two super men.