Monday, March 26, 2007

Got Milk?

cause I do! You know I would never question the perfection of God's work especially when it comes to a woman's ability to feed her baby the most perfect food, but come on now.... the mornings, even though I have nursed him at least once in the night, I am so full that the slightest stimulation causes milk to come spewing out, no suction needed, which results in choking and spitting up and milk all over him and me.
...I get to enjoy that almost painful feeling of let down not only when he's nursing, but also whenever my body thinks I should be nursing him, or when any other baby in the store is crying.
...I am tethered to a bra 24/7 because if you let the girls loose and roll over in bed they think it's time to go and I have a fountain. I hate sleeping in a bra!
Please don't get me wrong, I love breast feeding and I wouldn't choose to do it any other way. I just wish the girls weren't quite so "on alert". haha

On other fronts:
We are making progress with our house. The inspector and the appraiser came out last week and everything seems to be moving along smoothly. I found some duplexes for rent in springtown about 5 minutes from where (hopefully) we're going to build. Yah! An interim place to stay - done. We'll be making an offer on a piece of property this week and we're starting to get things together to start building the new house. I've made arrangements for a storage unit and a PO Box and opened a seperate checking account for the money we will be using to build the house.
Packing is coming along nicely in the house. It's my office and the garage that are going to be the real problems. Thank goodness we have 4 weeks!

That's all for now. Love and hugs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're too funny. That same thing happened to me when I had to pump while Rebecca was in the hospital. I had to resort to late night trips to the store so that I could avoid seeing babies or hearing babies cry. It was terrible. BUT, it is the only time that I have boobs to speak of. There's always a positive.