Monday, August 07, 2006

The Latest Happenings.

Well, the memorial service for my friends mother-in-law went really well friday. I'm glad that I went. It was good to be there for her. Generosity is truly pouring in from many places for their home. While that's good, people want to give them "stuff" and they don't have any where to PUT it. So, we're all in kind of a holding pattern right now until they have a more permanent place to live and a place to put things. Thank you for your prayers and support they are greatly appreciated and will continue to be needed through the coming months as they put their lives back together and work through the grief.

I had my first doctor appointment on Thursday. Things have really changed since the last time I was pregnant. This visit was only with the nurse. We did medical history, lab work, etc, and I have my first appointment with the doctor on Monday the 14th. That day he'll do a full exam (joy!) and I'll also have a sonogram. They said it was something new. They always do 2 sonograms now - 1 on the first visit and one more at 20 weeks. Whatever. As long as the insurance is covering it I'm not going to complain. No, we'll not be finding out what the sex of the baby is. I know that is killing most of you but you're just going to have to be patient for another 29 weeks!
On a different but similar note, the nurse said the doctor does his c-sections on Mondays and Fridays, 7-10 days before my due date. I need to have mine on a monday to be able to maximize the visit from my mom. My due date acutally falls on a monday so 7 days before would be the 26th of February - CJ's brother's birthday!!!!! Aaaaaahhhh! I'm going to lobby for him to do it 2 weeks before on the 19th so my baby can have it's own birthday. I mean really, if he would do it 10 days before and the baby is grown enough what's another 4 days, right? I used to totally despise this kind of scheming and planning of mothers to manipulate the birth of their baby around something else and here I'm doing it. But I REALLY don't want my baby to have to share a day with anyone else in our immediate family. Is that wrong of me?

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