CJ's mom and dad got here last friday night. And his cousin Clint got here Monday night. They are all here visiting and helping with Brian's house and our projects. Dave and Jan will leave to go back to Indy on Sunday morning :-( and we're not sure how long Clint will be staying. It's nice to have everyone here. We love company.
Grace started gymnastics on monday. LOVED IT. And it was so stinkin' cute. She took right to it and asks every day when she can go back. I'll try and get some pics next week.
Brian and Beth's house is 2-3 weeks from done - YEAH!!!! Dave has tilled the rest of the garden up, buried our electrical lines from the well to the house for us, hung our porch swing (which rocks by the way - they got it for us for Christmas and I have already enjoyed sitting in it), and as I'm typing he's assembling a play set for the kids. It's GINORMOUS. I don't know who's more excited me or the kids. Yipppeeee! Pics of that will come soon as well.
Well, I'm going to cut this short for today because I must get ready to go to FANDANGO!!!! Yep, I'm going up to Texas Motorspeedway tonight with 3 or 4 of my best girlfriends to watch some qualifying and attend a party for season ticket holders (THANKS JENNIFER FOR BEING A SEASON TICKET HOLDER AND SHARING YOUR TICKETS WITH ME!!!!!!) I'm so excited I can't hardly stand it!! Have a great weekend, I know I'm going to!