In true Tanner fashion we took him to get fitted for his football uniform and he cried and refused and said he didn't want to play football. This is the same boy who asks me nearly every day when he gets to play football with the kids. It took me 30 minutes to wrestle a shirt on him and the photo is him trying to get it off!
It's simply amazing to me that this boy will talk to anyone within hollering distance in the store, but won't talk to his pre-school teacher, a firefighter (on a little field trip), or anyone else you WANT him to talk to.
On the way home Tanner says, "I don't want to play football, I just want to watch the other kids." CJ says, "don't worry, you're gonna get to!" LOL!!!
He is too cute!!
That look on his face shows that he is clearly, and thoroughly irritated. He's too funny.
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